10 Creative Billboard Ads Of McDonald’s

1 min

We all know that there are always creative billboard ads, but these are different. Today, we are here to share some of the creative billboard ads of McDonald’s. Let’s take a look together! 🙂

  1. 1 102 Reasons To Refresh Yourself

  2. 2 Sundial Billboard 🌞

    A creative design from McDonalds! The sun casts a shadow on each item that corresponds to the time of day you would eat it. 

  3. 3 Best Fries On The Planet

     In this campaign, the developer used 10 light beams, and the lights can be seen from up to 3 miles away.

    via GIPHY

    [quads id=8]

  4. 4 Clock Billboard

  5. 5 Open At Night

    The logo or brand name is not shown in this billboard but we still understand who is the advertiser. Smart marketing!

    via GIPHY

  6. 6 200m-197m

  7. 7 BIG mac !🍔

  8. 8 Fresh Idea !

    The sign grew 16 types of lettuce in a vertical garden planted on the billboard. The seeds, from all types of lettuce used in McDonald's salads, were planted in soil-based materials and arranged to spell two words. Over three weeks, the sprouts grew to fill out "Fresh Salads."

  9. 9 💯💯😋

  10. 10 Introducing New Iced Mocha 😉

  11. 11 BONUS : New Barista

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