3 Fun And Innovative SEO Campaigns Of All Time

1 min

Topic: Fun And Innovative SEO Campaigns

In a digital world mainly controlled by the power and weight of the paid campaigns, it is so easy for companies to neglect how innovation and creativity can play a lead role in attraction and driving every campaign – Paid or Organic – to succeed.

In this list, we introduce you to our top 3 of the most creative and innovative Pay Per Click campaigns of all time. 

Let’s have a look together! 🙂

    How does it feel to be unemployed? sad, lost, underappreciated and drown in the darkened and dingy feeling of failure, and besides every Google article about how to face these bad sensations, a man had understood what It really takes to get out of this state: CREATIVITY

    So in 2009, Alec Brownstein has decided to target 5 directors by using their names on Google AdWords, by following the idea that each one of us searches his own name on search engines just at least to know if our Facebook profile appears on the first results page, and he was absolutely right. 

    Knowing that Alec was the only one using these names on AdWords, the average cost per click was only 0.13$, cheap!

    Starting a conversation in a creative way! 😉

    And as a result of this unique self-promotion campaign, 4 directors summoned him to an interview, and 2 of these 4 offered him the job. Two new opportunities that cost him only 6$! 


    Using misspelled words in search engine optimization is an age-old classic strategy used by companies and organizations so as to reduce the cost of advertising campaigns in search engines, a low-cost tactic explained by the fact that no one would be interested in misspelled keywords on Google Adwords. 

    BUT, Snickers has taken this strategy to a whole new level by launching the " YOU'RE NOT YOU WHEN YOU'RE HUNGRY " in the UK, not only simply using the 25 381 different misspellings generated, but also, using their ad copy to play on the fact that the person misspelled what they were searching for. (“wether”, “gool”, “ness”, “amazon”, “definately”, “wierd”, “vacum”, “moonsoon”, “publically” and “facw”.)

    The meta description ! 🙄

    Inventiveness? It is also EFFECTIVENESS, in just 48 hours, Snickers managed to get 558,589 ad impressions and bringing 5,874 visitors to their well-branded website dedicated to this campaign. 

    GENIOUS! 🤯





    Fever and headache? It sounds like something you can resolve using only Google.

    In 2013, Kleenex developed a completely unique adaptive planning strategy on Google search engine, using the idea that people turn to Google every time they get a cold knowing that the search results are very effective instead of going to see a doctor. The company was able to identify cities with flu outbreaks in real-time after analyzing search trends related to this issue for 18 months, related to other aspects as calls to Government health lines and to doctors, so as to build a model that allowed them to make predictions about flu outbreaks, in every city, in real-time, and understand when people really need their product. 

    Results ? 40% more sales ( 432,499 extra boxes sold ) !  💰

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Yassine Kermssy

He is studying Marketing in the National School of Business and Management (Settat, Morocco), and likes writing about traditional and online marketing, creativity and also arts. You can send your creative work to him via email, Facebook or Instagram.

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