5 Reasons Why We Use Social Media?

1 min

Everybody knows that we cannot imagine a world without social media anymore! Of course, everyone has some reasons for using social media. Scroll down to see the reasons laying behind and VOTE  for the most suitable one for you!

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    Ezgi Erentürk

    Victory! This is us when we completed all the stories on our instagram page, isn't it?😅 

    Another important point for people to use social media is not to miss anything their friends do during a day.

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    Ezgi Erentürk

    Yay free time!

    People like to spend their free time more on social media rather than doing something else like reading books or doing sports! Which one do you prefer??

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    Ezgi Erentürk

    One interesting point why people are using social media is they want to laugh😁 

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    Ezgi Erentürk

    Parties are not the only place to meet new people anymore!😀 To communicate with new people on social media are becoming more popular but not only for making friends but also for meeting people from some businesses. 🤓

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    Ezgi Erentürk

    The most important reason for using social media platforms, especially Facebook Messenger and Instagram DM, is to communicate with our friends or relatives. ☎️

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Ezgi Erentürk

Former Social Media Manager of Marketing Birds. Now, living in Germany and doing masters in International Business. Love marketing to reach people via innovative communication tools. Don't hesitate to contact with her!✌️

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