7 Cool Coffee Cup Packaging Designs for Coffee Lovers

1 min

Do you often drink coffee? Then, you are in the right place. 🙂 Nowadays, there are millions of coffee shops around the world. However, packaging designs are quite important for them to market their products and services. Today, we are happy to share some of the cool coffee cup packaging designs that you might see for the first time! Let’s take a look together! 😀

  1. 1 Bandido Coffee

  2. 2 Mustache Coffee

  3. 3 Coffee cup that goes from happy to mad with a simple twist

  4. 4 Dark Brew Coffee House

  5. 5 Graphic Design for coffee cups

  6. 6 Shake these heads

  7. 7 Nostro Packaging

    This box in which cakes and coffee can fit that enables customers to carry it in one hand.

  8. 8 BONUS : Notes cup

    This may look like a few cups of take-out coffee, but it’s really two notes pads with pens for straws.

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