7 Famous Icons Used For London’s City Branding

1 min

Branding is very important for cities. So, marketers working for city branding try to use special icons. London has several icons to be marketed but we listed the most popular ones here. 👇👇

Below you‘ll be able to find up and down arrows ↑↓ under each picture. So please vote the pictures by using the arrows. Which one do you think is more helpful to make London a well-known city? Let’s get started!

  1. İsmail Erkan

    These red buses are very popular in London. They have been used since 1829! Yes, it's true, since 1829! The concept has never been changed although the design changes from time to time.

  2. İsmail Erkan

    Almost all tourists who visit London have at least 1 picture with these historic telephone boxes. The telephones are still working (technically) but they are rarely used of course. ☎️😋

  3. İsmail Erkan

  4. İsmail Erkan

    The London Eye is not as old as other icons. It opened in 2000, but it is one of the major symbols of London. It's also a good attraction for both tourists and Londoners.

  5. İsmail Erkan

  6. İsmail Erkan

    The black cabs are another important figures for London City Branding. They have been used for a long time. The concept has not been changed because it is a good icon to market London. People in other countries see these taxis in movies and TV series, for example, Sherlock Holmes. I know some tourists who use these taxis just to experience it although they don't need them.

  7. İsmail Erkan

    The London Underground is not just a public transit system for London, but also an amazing symbol for London's marketing.

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Topic: City Marketing London

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İsmail Erkan

Founder of Marketing Birds. Lecturer at Izmir Katip Celebi University. He did his PhD in digital marketing at Brunel University London.

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