7 Interesting Elevator Ads that Will Grab Your Attention

2 min

Hey guys! Elevators are part of our daily lives that we already use everyday! 😀 Have you ever seen interesting elevator ads before? What have you seen? Please share with us through marketingbirds instagram! 😀

1. Look at this interesting elevator ads: Mini Cooper

Mini Cooper is one of the leaders of creative ad campaigns and this genius elevator ad is just one of them.

2. Achilles Forklift – High Performance

The buildings are getting higher and higher whereas other industries are looking for the ways to adjust their marketing campaigns to elevators.

3. Oreo – Milk’s Favorite Cookie


Elevator helps you how to eat your Oreo.

4. Kagatani Knife

This interesting elevator ads are a kind of aggressive marketing. It is very scary, isn’t it? 😀

5. Swiss Skydive – Parachute School Interesting Lift Ads

You should think twice to get in this elevator if you have acrophobia.

6. Superman Movie Elevator Ads

Be careful! The real Superman might be in this elevator as well.

7. Folliderm Elevator Ads – Scared of Losing Your Hair?

Isn’t it interesting? Who would think that your solution behind the doors of this lift?

As you have seen above, there are so many options for elevators to advertise your services or products. However, they should be designed very carefully and taken into account the size of elevators. Otherwise, all your projects might be in the wrong way! 😀
HEY! Would you like to see more creative elevator ads related tips? CLICK HERE!

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