8 Creative Ads Wishing Muslims “Happy Eid al-Adha”

1 min

Eid Al-Adha is the second of two Islamic festivals celebrated worldwide each year. So, brands don't miss this opportunity to communicate with Muslim consumers.

This festival is known for sacrificing a sheep; so get ready to see lots of sheep in the ads! 🐑😀

  1. 1 Tony's Food (Bakery)

  2. 2 Remiel (Chocolatier)

  3. 3 Lighter Style (Dietary Clinic)

  4. 4 L'Arc Resort

  5. 5 Nestle Toll House

  6. 6 OHI

  7. 7 Cortina (Ice Cream)

  8. 8 Loacker

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Fatima Awada

A marketing student at the Lebanese American University. Believes life is a creative process and is also an aspiring creative director. Future content creator maven. For features/inquires: [email protected]

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