8 Vintage Ads of Famous Cosmetic Brands in The 80s

1 min

Hey guys! Today, time to share for women! We are sure that you are interested in cosmetics. 😀 Once upon a time, some brands started to market their products with vintage strategies. Let’s dive in! 😀

  1. 1 Maybelinne - New Automatic Magic Mascara

  2. 2 Pond's Shampoo - Promise for Long Hair

  3. 3 Clinique - A Woman Is Only As Old As Her Complexion

  4. 4 Cover Girl - Good for Your Lips

  5. 5 Elizabeth Taylor - Never Dries, It Beautifies

  6. 6 Rimmel London - You Can't Buy Better

  7. 7 Estee Lauder - The Lipcolor That Knows Its Place

  8. 8 Chanel - Subtle Magic

Topic: Vintage Ads and Cosmetics

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Sena Karaduman

She studied International Trade and Marketing at Izmir Katip Celebi University.She likes writing about marketing and innovation. If you would like to send your creative works to her, say hi via email or on Instagram.

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