Amazing Partnership between Vans and Van Gogh Museum

1 min

Vans and the Van Gogh Museum Amsterdam proudly partner to present an artfully designed collection inspired by Van Gogh masterpieces across iconic Vans Classics.

  • The collection aims to keep Van Gogh’s art alive for the future generations.
  • Some of the profits are dedicated to the preservation of Van Gogh’s legacy and collection of art.
  • The collection will be available worldwide August 3, 2018.

We are delighted with the Vans x Van Gogh Museum collection, as it ties in with our mission to make the life and work of Vincent van Gogh accessible to as many people as possible in order to enrich and inspire them”, said Adriaan Dönszelmann, Managing Director of the Van Gogh Museum.

Here are 10 amazing pictures from the upcoming collection:

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Pauline Khalil

She is studying Marketing & Advertising at Saint Joseph University and perusing her masters in Communication and Product Development. She's passionate about her major and loves creativity. Please don't hesitate to contact her if you would like to show your creative work, say Hello via email.

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