7 Best Movies About Advertising and Marketing That You Must Watch

1 min

Do you want to start a business? Are you an entrepreneur? Would you like to integrate or develop your marketing skills? Then, you should definitely watch all these movies that we shared. Let’s take a look these must watch movies together! 🙂
  1. 7 Jobs (2013)

    Surely we couldn’t leave it out in the cold. The biographical drama film chronicles the turbulent yet epic life of Steve Jobs, a legendary entrepreneur and the man behind the tech juggernaut Apple. There is one big thing you’re gonna take away from this biopic: it’s the little things that count in business. Every slightest detail makes a big difference when it comes to business prosperity and success.

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  2. 6 What Women Want (2000)

    Though being a golden oldie, this funny comedy movie delivers an invaluable lesson that is still relevant in this day: every ad expert should know their intended audience inside out to create a truly effective advertisement. And if it requires going to extremes – then go do it.

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  3. 5 THE JONESES (2009)

    The ever-increasing significance of social status and high standard of living can’t but play right into marketers’ hands. Wondering how? Then go watch the movie. Being more of a domestic comedy, the movie won’t bombard you with tiresome instructions, but at the same time it will surely help you come to grips with the power of influence, delve deeper into conspicuous consumerism and fully grasp the meaning of the old idiom “Keeping up with the Joneses”.

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  4. 4 The Greatest Movie Ever Sold (2011)

    No wonder savvy lecturers recommend this movie as a guide to integrated advertising. The film provides detailed insight into how companies push their products through movie and television product placement whereas media companies gain sponsorship to get their movies made. 

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  5. 3 LEMONADE (2009)

    More than 130,000 advertising professionals have lost their jobs in this 'Great Recession.' Lemonade is about what happens when people who were once paid to be creative in advertising are forced to be creative with their own lives.

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  6. 2 Moneyball (2011)

    Oakland A's general manager Billy Beane's successful attempt to assemble a baseball team on a lean budget by employing computer-generated analysis to acquire new players.

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  7. 1 The Social Network (2010)

    Harvard student Mark Zuckerberg creates the social networking site that would become known as Facebook but is later sued by two brothers who claimed he stole their idea and the co-founder who was later squeezed out of the business.

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