Mini Cooper presents: Shortcut Billboards 🚗💨

1 min

Mini Cooper has always creative campaigns. Today, we are here to share Mini Cooper’s shortcut billboards. Let’s get started! 😀

Mini Cooper created  "Real Time Traffic Information" campaign in Berlin by using outdoor billboards. Thanks to these billboards, the 12-minute road is down to 3 minutes! 😲 Here is the message of the campaign: "Faster through the city with Mini Connected."

A documentary which shows the reactions of people was prepared by MINI Deutschland and it is shared on the company's social media profiles.





Topic: Mini Cooper presents: Shortcut Billboards

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Perihan Salt

She is studying International Trade & Marketing at Izmir Katip Celebi University. She is doing Erasmus intern at Warsaw, Poland. She likes writing about outdoor advertising. If you would like to send your creative works to her, say hi via email or on Instagram.

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