Mystery Behind The Oreo’s Door 🚪

1 min

Oreo opened its Wonder Vault door to present latest special flavour Choco Chip to people who want to find childhood’ tastes again. Chocolate-chip creme will be sandwiched between a golden Oreo cookie with chocolate Oreo flecks, thus first dual-flavoured wafer created. The room is designed to make fans feel like in their childhood’ home. A good way to communicate around the release of new flavours and to strengthen the link between fans and the brand! Let’s get started! 🙂

Topic: Mystery Behind The Oreo’s Door

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Gülcan Arslan

She is studying International Trade & Marketing at Izmir Katip Celebi University and doing Erasmus intern in Germany. Mostly, she likes writing about video ads. If you would like to contact her, say hi via email or on Instagram.

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