The Fonts Of 7 Top Brand Logos

Ever wanted to write with the same font top brands use? Maybe you did maybe you didn't but non the less it's cool to know. 1 min

It is widely known that symbols and logos are quite important for brands. But, what about fonts of brand logos? Sure you can guess the brand by it’s logo, but can you guess the brand by it’s font?

Thanks to Emanuele Abrate, an Italian graphic designer and educator you can now play a good game of “guess that brand by it’s font”.

  1. 1 Nike

  2. 2 Adidas

  3. 3 Air bnb

  4. 4 Instagram

  5. 5 Starbucks

  6. 6 Spotify

  7. 7 Twitter

Topic: Fonts Of 7 Top Brand Logos

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Fatima Awada

A marketing student at the Lebanese American University. Believes life is a creative process and is also an aspiring creative director. Future content creator maven. For features/inquires: [email protected]

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