The Worst And The Most Successful Hotel!

1 min

This hotel in Amsterdam has a very different approach to their customers. They intentionally print these ads which shows their negative sides! Let’s look a little bit closer to what they do and what their goal is by doing so.🤔

The Best In Ignoring Your Complaints!

WHAT? 😑 Well... If you have any problems. then don't try to tell it to the hotel personnel because they won't listen to you😟 

You may complain about the toilets, noise or something you can't find in your room like everyone does. In a normal hotel, when you say it to the housekeepers, they bring them to you. But in Hans Brinker, things are different🤔 They claim that they are the best ignoring your complaints😲 It's very interesting, isn't it?😂

Excellent In Losing Your Luggage!

Do you want to leave your luggage in the hotel? Think again!😅

Those huge luggages bring a lot of pain with themselves😭 You may want to get rid of them, then you have to consider it may be lost😲 Because the hotel is very excellent in losing them😕

No Bellboy, No Swimming Pool, No Mini Bar!

Almost, there is no service in that hotel!😟 But if you have recognized something in this ad, you can see they position themselves as "The Most XXXCLUSIVE Budget Hotel" which means they are very affordable! 🤑 

Wall Of Shame 😳

Well, we have come to the end... Actually, this picture summarizes everything why Hans Brinker becomes very successful while being the worst and advertising their downs! This is what they have been doing for 17 years, amazing! And probably, they are going to continue doing this strategy in the future.

Congratulations Hans Brinker! Keep going the "WORST SUCCESSFUL HOTEL"👊

Topic: The Worst and The Most Successful Hotel

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Ezgi Erentürk

Former Social Media Manager of Marketing Birds. Now, living in Germany and doing masters in International Business. Love marketing to reach people via innovative communication tools. Don't hesitate to contact with her!✌️

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