Top 10 Endorsement Deals Between Athletes and Brands 💰

1 min

Brands love to work with famous athletes. They can make big money if they find the correct athlete to represent their brands. 💰💰💰 Here we selected top 10 deals between athletes and brands:


  1. 10 Rory McIlroy - Nike

    Net worth: $110 million.

  2. 9 Neymar - Nike

    Net worth: $140 million.

  3. 8 Kevin Durant - Nike

    Net worth: $150 million.

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  4. 7 Lionel Messi - Adidas

    Net worth: $340 million.

  5. 6 Kobe Bryant - Nike

    Net worth: $350 million.

  6. 5 LeBron James - Nike

    Net worth: $400 million.

  7. 4 Cristiano Ronaldo - Nike

    Net worth: $400 million.

  8. 3 David Beckham - Adidas

    Net worth: $450 million.

  9. 2 Tiger Woods - Nike

    Net worth: $740 million.

  10. 1 Michael Jordan - Nike

    Net worth: $1.5 billion.

Topic: Sports Marketing

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