Top 10 World’s Most Valuable Brands in 2019

1 min

According to Interbrand’s report on the world’s most valuable brands, US technology companies also gained value this year. Giant brands in the retail sector also managed to enter the list. Here are the 10 companies with the highest brand value.👇🏼

  1. 10 Disney: 44,352$

    According to the report, Disney's brand value increased by 11%📈 compared to the previous year.Interbrand discovered that the brand's strengths are differentiation, commitment and presence.

  2. 9 McDonald’s: 45,362$

    McDonald's brand value increased by 4% compared to last year. According to Interbrand,brand's strengths are commitment, differentiation and presence.

  3. 8 Mercedes-Benz: 50,832$

    Mercedes-Benz increased its brand value by 5% over the previous year. According to the report, the strengths of the brand are commitment, interest and ability to respond.

  4. 7 Toyota: 56,246$

    According to Interbrand, the brand value increased by 5% compared to the previous year. Interbrand based this brand's rise on interest, originality and presence.

  5. 6 Samsung: 61,098$

    Samsung has a market value of $ 284💰 billion and brand value has increased by 2% this year. According to Interbrand, the brand's strengths are its ability to respond, attention and originality.

  6. 5 Coca Cola: 63,365$

    Coca-Cola's brand value fell by 4%📉 this year, and with this statistic, the giant beverage brand was the only brand among the top 10 brands to lose brand value.According to Interbrand data, the company's brand value has been steadily decreasing since 2014.

  7. 4 Microsoft: 108,847$

    The company's brand value has increased by 17% compared to last year thanks to strengths such as openness, attention and ability to respond.

  8. 3 Amazon: 125,263$

    Amazon's brand value increased by 24% over the previous year. With this high rate of increase, Amazon became the brand that increased the brand value among the top 10 brands.👍🏻 As Amazon's strengths, its ability to respond, interest and presence came to the fore.

  9. 2 Google: 167,713$

    Google's brand value increased by 8% over the previous year. According to Interbrand, the brand's strengths are its presence, interest and ability to respond.

  10. 1 Apple: 234,241$

    Apple's brand value increased by 9% compared to last year. According to the report, the brand owed its top position to its strengths such as differentiation, management and participation.👏🏼

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Perihan Salt

She is studying International Trade & Marketing at Izmir Katip Celebi University. She is doing Erasmus intern at Warsaw, Poland. She likes writing about outdoor advertising. If you would like to send your creative works to her, say hi via email or on Instagram.

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