7 Striking Guerilla Marketing Ideas With Social Messages

1 min

Sometimes we prefer to ignore vexing problems. We often like to look at problems through rose-tinted glasses. Unfortunately, the real world is not perfect. We must discern these problems and do something. So, some organizations and brands prepare creative social messages for awareness. Of course, the most effective marketing strategy is guerilla marketing that often uses for this. Thus, we selected 7 striking ideas with social messages. Let’s started.

  1. 1 Too Many People Eat On The Streets

    Guerilla marketing is sometimes so simple, isn't it? You have a few plates and find a manhole cover. That's all. You create an effective guerilla marketing with a fit and striking message. 

  2. 2 Neglected Children Are Made To Feel Invisible

    This is an uncomfortable guerilla marketing. Maybe most of you want to save the child. No doubt, it is touching and get the message across to us.

  3. 3 Please Don't Lose Control Over Your Drinking

    Violence is an insufferable behavior. Being a man or woman makes no difference. Sometimes alcoholic beverages encourage this violence. This guerilla marketing remembers the conclusion of drinking too much.

  4. 4 Don't Let This Be Our Future

    Save Our Rainforest, Stop Global Warming. If the rainforest continues to be destroyed, most of the cities will submerge. This guerilla marketing portrays this scenario.

  5. 5 Words Can Hurt Don't Text And Drive

    Texting become a daily routine for us. We send texts somewhere even driving. Mini Cooper showed sensitivity to car crashes and warned us.

  6. 6 Save Paper - Save The Planet

    WWF shows us unnecessarily using paper and forests reduce in the world because of this.

  7. 7 Don't Drink And Drive

    The bottle cap's breaking is like a car crash. The message is clear.

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Ebru Çil

Editor of Marketing Birds website. She is doing master degree in marketing at Izmir Katip Celebi University. She graduated from Faculty of Administrative and Economics Sciences at Ege University.

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