6 Guerilla Marketing Examples of Popular Movies

1 min

Hi, movie-lovers.

Some movies cannot draw the attention of big audiences. However, this is not because is being bad movies (of course, some movies are really bad). These movies do not make good advertising and do not have fans. After all, especially like Star Wars, LoTR, Harry Potter, DC, Marvel movies have millions of fans. How does that happen? New series, a film sequel, or new films want to create a tremendous impression like these films. Filmmakers use various methods for increasing this impression. Maybe guerilla marketing, one of these methods, provides the top effect.

Guerilla marketing that is being remindful and effective, reinforces this impression. So, we collected examples of guerilla marketing about movies for you. You can click here to access other shares about” Guerrilla Marketing Examples.”Don’t forget to follow Marketing Birds to avoid missing similar shares.

Let's start...

  1. 1 IT

    This guerilla marketing is simple, cheap, and has huge effects. The message is clear. 

    "IT" is closer than you think.

    People that know IT movie, want to avoid this balloon.   

  2. 2 Ant-Man

    According to other guerilla marketing examples, this is tiny too. Ant-Man threw a curve and drew attention.

  3. 3 2012

    This guerilla marketing is troubling, isn't it? But it is so clever. This effect increased by being a closed area. People think, seems like, this area submerges.  

  4. 4 Star Wars

    Who does not hold a lightsaber? The answer to the question: No one. Star wars found a brilliant and funny method. With this guerilla marketing, people enjoyed holding a lightsaber of pleasure.

  5. 5 Alice In Wonderland

    Are people so tiny? Or is Alice huge? This guerilla marketing provided a feeling that seems like, people are living in Alice in Wonderland movie.

  6. 6 Thor

    An image or article is enough for some movies. When people see Mjöllnir, they come to mind Thor. Sometimes an article -like Mjöllnir- has a fantastical effect.

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Ebru Çil

Editor of Marketing Birds website. She is doing master degree in marketing at Izmir Katip Celebi University. She graduated from Faculty of Administrative and Economics Sciences at Ege University.

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