9 Powerful Breast Cancer Awareness Ads From Across The Globe

1 min

It’s breast cancer awareness month!

One thing I love other than how business embrace and support this month is how curated are the slogans in their ads to their business!

Here are eight of powerful breast cancer awareness ads that you need to see! Let’s take a look!

  1. 1 By Facebook

  2. 2 By the Breast Cancer Association

    Don't let it pop

  3. 3 By an electrical appliance store

    [quads id=8]

  4. 4 By a catering company

    Translation: Don't let it spread

  5. 5 By a restaurant

  6. 6 By a beauty salon

  7. 7 By a nut roastery

  8. 8 By a home appliances company

  9. 9 By Google

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Fatima Awada

A marketing student at the Lebanese American University. Believes life is a creative process and is also an aspiring creative director. Future content creator maven. For features/inquires: [email protected]

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