9 Creative “Earth Day” Ads That Will Strike You!

As one of the most creative resources of green marketing subject is coming up, are we ready to see untraditional ads? 1 min

Hola Green Hearts!

“Earth Day” is approaching, so many brand campaigns and ads are picking speed. With some worldwide developments, global warming and climate change topics are getting more and more trendy. At this period in which green marketing is fairly active, brands are recreating themselves by bringing in concepts like being conscious of the environment, sustainability and eco-friendliness, considering the reforming mentality and trends of their target audience. Recently, some brands and organizations have campaigned in this direction, resulting in striking ads.

Therefore we prepared a collage of greed ads, about “Earth Day”,  from past to today. Let’s begin with no more delay!

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  1. 1 IKEA

    The fashion trends of the future are in IKEA catalogs before anywhere else! Having advertised many other sustainable energy campaigns before, IKEA shows us an even more clear and creative ad here. Floating furniture will be very useful when the icebergs will be melted due to changing climate conditions! This is an elegant green marketing example that attracts attention to rising water levels.

    Art Director: Abdelrahman Galal
    Copywriter: Samar Singh
    Art Director: Yamen Ibrahim
    Tutor: Paul Carrera
    Tutor: Marc Vosshall

  2. 2 WALL’S

    Let’s think of a summer without ice cream. Isn’t it hard? Wall’s Ice Cream speaks exactly to the ones who cannot think that, via this ad. In case global warming is not stopped, we will run out of ice cream. So, you should fight with climate change if you don’t like that, the ad says, offering you an empty ice cream cup.


    This Volkswagen ad connects the past to the future, with the common purpose of protecting nature. On right, we see a hippie woman from the past, with the symbol car in the background, giving the message “save the earth”. Then on left, after many years, we see the same woman thanking the people who heard her message and supported her brand, again with the car in the background. Isn’t it an impressive and touching green marketing ad?


    This Greenpeace ad illustrates how climate change benefits (!) the tourism of the future. In fact, those times are not too far away, and we will be having such kinds of holidays, taking such photos with our loved ones. This ad shows how rising water levels and climate change can distort our lives in a nonfrightening but disturbing way, awakening us to do something about it.

  5. 5 JEEP

    If there is no earth to drive on, what is the point of having a nice car? Jeep asks this question in their ads, pushing us to think. We see a Jeep falling off the earth, in this minimalist and nice ad that makes people contemplate a simple question.


    Climate Reality Group advertised this using werewolves, vampires, zombies, mermaids and all the fantastic creatures you can think of. What makes this ad so powerful is the numbers. We see some other ads that try to invoke the action, but this ad of Climate Reality Group shows us subtly and sadly, that how we are just at the start of making a difference, by talking us into believing climate change is real.

  7. 7 WWF

    “The Fishman” is the star of this ad of WWF, with the slogan of “Stop climate change before it changes you”. Melting icebergs, and consequently rising water levels would be the reasons for such change, as we will need to find a way to survive underwater —maybe by evolving into a fishman as fast as possible. A wisely planned advertisement example: a little bit frightening, and surely dramatic.

  8. 8 TIDE

    Tide's ad for Earth Day in 2010. Informative writing that is "Tide Coldwater is better in cold than others in warm and saves 80% of energy", explains to Tide's features. Tide's ad is simple and strike. The white t-shirts are background. Blue and green t-shirts form our world. The message is clear. When you use Tide, you save the world.

  9. 9 COCA-COLA

    “Let’s protect our rivers and lakes” and “ Let’s recycle every bottle” slogans come up in Coca-Cola’s 'a bottle of hope' ads. The overflow of ‘life’ from the mouth of the Coca-Cola bottle is a symbol for recycling. The brand puts a creative and sharp emphasis on being environmentally friendly and recycling continually. 

  10. 10 BONUS

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Birsen Kargın

Graduated in Business Administration and Management from Ege University. Greatly interested in creative advertisement and green marketing. Aspires to make a positive difference in the world, working on projects that positively impact people's lives and create change.

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