7 Creative Water Pollution Ads

Climate change and pollution are threats to our future. We collected creative ads to highlight the pollution in oceans and seas.1 min

Hola ocean’s souls!

Even though we’re still fighting with the pandemic, we can’t ignore the problems changing the future of our “only” earth: climate change, pollution, drought… Seas are oceans, the lifeblood of the earth, and home of endlessly many species, are unfortunately under the attack of pollution. Irresponsible and unconscious behaviors of humans are the main reason. With the mucilage problem that’s killing the sea ecosystem in Turkey, we’re given the alarm of this very serious crisis.  Earth had seven continents, now the eighth is on the way, forming up in oceans, and it might be closer to you more than you think. How? There grew an island of garbage because of the trash thrown into oceans —and there are many more frightening harms done on ecosystems by people who drain liquids to seas, go haunting illegally, don’t recycle, produce more and more garbage, use non-nature-friendly chemicals, and products…  That’s why we collected some ads that rub the most unsettling facts to our faces in creative ways. Let’s begin! Water Pollution Ads. Don’t forget to follow Marketing Birds to avoid missing out on similar shares. IG: @marketingbirds

  1. 1 Less Plastic

    “From tsunamis to sharks, the ocean is full of danger. But the real threat doesn’t come from the ocean at all.” This striking slogan is used in a campaign created by Protect Worldwide for lessplastic.co.uk, to draw attention to how plastics are thrown into oceans threaten life. A creative one, indeed.

  2. 2 Footprint

    Now, that’s a scary footprint we are leaving to the earth: the eighth continent. Do we really want to leave this legacy to the next generations? This ad of Greenpeace is a creative and influential call.

  3. 3 Plastic Waste

    “The plastic pollution steals the oceans from us. We are trying to get it back.” CEMarin’s campaign themes plastics captivating the wildlife —staggeringly simple.

  4. 4 The Trash Shorts

    “24 years ago, TBS revealed the terrible impact of the coastal population. Sadly, 24 years later, nothing has changed: our beaches and seashores are still littered with all kinds of trash, if not more so.” These products FCB produces for TBS are completely nature-friendly. What a beautiful and impactful product line.

  5. 5 We’re Suffering

    In this ad created by Envolve Studio for Save Earth - EG, we see animals have a hard time living in their own habitats. They want to remind people that these animals have the right to live, and we should start acting responsibly.

  6. 6 Plastic Pollution

    This ad is created by EYKHOUT for WWF Germany. If we keep going this way, there’ll be more plastic than the living, and we’ll normalize having plastic in dying ecosystems. This makes a striking ad.

  7. 7 Bad cosmetics

    This campaign is made by ici Barbès for Surfrider, quoting from cosmetic brands to show how the “beautiful” oceans don’t need any make-up.


Tamer Shams

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Birsen Kargın

Graduated in Business Administration and Management from Ege University. Greatly interested in creative advertisement and green marketing. Aspires to make a positive difference in the world, working on projects that positively impact people's lives and create change.

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