Suave’s Advertisement Reveals Hair Commercials’ Tricks

1 min

  1. 1 When it comes to beauty brand advertisements, looks can be deceiving.

    Usually, shampoo commercials depict models with unimaginably perfect hair. A woman walks toward the camera with her long, shiny strands rippling in the wind.

  2. 2 Most of women think that the hair shown in advertisements is unachievable.

    It’s sad but true! 😔

  3. 3 So, Suave created a video to just show how unrealistic some of these commercials are.

    It exposes how hair commercials are made.

  4. 4 The green-screen technology is used to make the hair do those waterfall-like flips.

  5. 5 Suave decided to switch up the game

    They asked its models to wash and style their own hair with the products to show their actual, true effectiveness.

  6. 6 Suave revealed importance of naturalness instead of the fake perfection. ✨

    In my opinion, it looks pretty good! 👍 It's a great strategy to show how effective their products. 👏👏👏

  7. 7 Here is the video of this campaign... 👇👇👇

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Sena Karaduman

She studied International Trade and Marketing at Izmir Katip Celebi University.She likes writing about marketing and innovation. If you would like to send your creative works to her, say hi via email or on Instagram.

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