21 Creative Ads Spilled On The Streets

1 min

Nowadays, companies try to attract people’s interest to see and observe their reflections. Moreover, there are so many interested industries and different fields about this trend.

Let’s have a look these guerrilla marketing samples together. What would you do when you saw these interesting ads on streets? 😀

  1. 1 Cloudy with a chance of meatballs

  2. 2 A small napkin that doing big things

    Bounty select-a-size paper towels clean the not so big messes with the same, and less of the waste you don't.

  3. 3 Shamrock shakes are back

    McDonalds turns a Chicago river green for St Patrick's Day

  4. 4 Correction Fluid

  5. 5 Honda Civic & Crunchy O's Cereal Box Prize

    "Larger than life " guerrilla marketing campaign around the concept.

  6. 6 Jum-ping Muffins

  7. 7 Schweppes fountain

  8. 8 An insurance company

    An insurance company that shows accidents can happen easily

  9. 9 Crayola Crayons are Crazy

  10. 10 Nail Polish

  11. 11 Small head , big issues

  12. 12 A waterslide

    In a creative new effort to remind people of the importance of a clean river, Milwaukee Riverkeeper has completed work on a new riverside mural near Schlitz Park. 

  13. 13 Kung Fu PANDA

  14. 14 Orbit Gum

  15. 15 Break the heat

  16. 16 Levis Paint

  17. 17 Coca Cola

  18. 18 Closed McDonald

  19. 19 Never melt

  20. 20 Great Cadbury cream egg for easter

  21. 21 Melted ice-cream truck

Would you like to see more original street marketing campaigns? CLICK >>>>> HERE! <<<<<

Topic: Creative Ads Spilled On The Streets

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Emine Kuzören

Former Editor and Social Media Manager of Marketing Birds. She is doing master degree in marketing at Izmir Katip Celebi University. She likes writing about guerrilla marketing and packaging design. If you would like to send your creative works to her, say hi via email or on Instagram.

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