10 Top Mini Cooper’s Guerrilla Marketing Tactics

1 min

  1. 1 Adults' Play with Mini 🙂

  2. 2 Time To Surf With Mini!

  3. 3 Outside The Box

  4. 4 Prepare For Launch

  5. 5 Size Matters

  6. 6 Please Do Not Feed The Mini 🙂

  7. 7 New Mini Family 🙂

  8. 8 Time To Have A Trip! It Can Be Anywhere 🙂

  9. 9 Let there be xenon!

  10. 10 VIDEO: Let's See A Mini Story 🙂

Topic: Mini Cooper’s Guerrilla Marketing

Automotive firms have fiercely competing with one another 😀 Each brand must show their origin and differences which is not easy. Mini Cooper is one of the best brands in terms of advertising. Thanks to amazing Mini Cooper’s guerrilla marketing strategies, the brand could attract so many people and accelerated the brand value.

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Kaan Kaval

SEO Manager of Marketing Birds. Marketing Student at Akdeniz University. Extremely motivated to share marketing campaigns, constantly develop my skills and grow professionally.

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