22 Brutally Honest Brand Slogans

Companies spend millions of dollars on advertising to make their products look ideal to consumers. But what if they didn't do that and straight up told the truth? 1 min

Topic: Brutally Honest Brand Slogans

I don’t have to say the name of a brand to refer to it. If I say just do it or I’m loving it, you already know what brands I’m talking about. Branding is the most important thing for a company. However, even if the biggest brands have many qualities, they also often have drawbacks that are obviously not mentioned in their advertisements (Brutally Honest Brand Slogans).

That’s why Clif Dickens has thought of a unique way to make fun of brands by showing their true faces — replacing their basic slogans with ones that are a bit more rooted in reality.

More: Honest Slogans

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Ghita Salouane

A marketing and finance student at Al Akhawayn University in Ifrane (Morocco). Passionate about marketing and believes that everything you can imagine is real.

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