McDonald’s French Fries Point You To Its Nearest Restaurant 😮

1 min

Topic: McDonald’s French Fries

McDonald’s is being cleverly creative once again with brain new attractive street ads using their famous fries to advertise the restaurant’s nearest location.

lets go ok GIF by Bubble Punk

It’s happening in France where McDonald’s is launching a Street Marketing ingenious campaign featuring one of the company’s well-known product and signature: The French Fries

Created by TBWA/Paris, this campaign is aiming to turn the company’s signature “Frens Fries”, into leading paths to reach the nearest restaurants, using the attractional power of the product, and the uniqueness of the campaign, clever isn’t it?

It’s simple, beautiful, easy to recognize, and We love them! 😍


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Yassine Kermssy

He is studying Marketing in the National School of Business and Management (Settat, Morocco), and likes writing about traditional and online marketing, creativity and also arts. You can send your creative work to him via email, Facebook or Instagram.

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