6 Frightfully Good Halloween Ads 👻🎃

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Topic: Halloween Ads

Boo! Spooky season is here!! Halloween is the perfect time for brands to get a little weird with their commercials. This is not new: Halloween is a golden opportunity for marketers. Each year, brands spend millions and use all their creativity to find THE campaign that will impress their audience and take their breath away.

Read on, the following 6 Halloween Ads we picked for you that are too good to be missed out!

  1. 1 Burger King dresses up as McDonald’s for Halloween (2016)


    Burger King had fun redecorating one of their restaurants in the US as a McDonald's ghost. A large white sheet covered the surface of the restaurant, roughly transforming it into a ghost that's written 'McDonald's' on it with a felt pen. Instead of the usual holes for the eyes, we recognize the famous logo of BK. To add a layer, customers were also able to discover the accompanied packaging of the burgers with written inside “Booooo! Just kidding. We still flame-grill our burgers. Happy Halloween.”

  2. 2 Tesco: Welcome to the Spookermarket (2018)

    Shopping carts that move by themselves, frozen heads and body parts scattered around the supermarket, heads hiding behind toilet paper, frozen hands, and more frightened unsuspecting shoppers at Tesco supermarkets.

  3. 3 Burger King Trolls McDonalds – #ScaryClownNight (2017)

    Burger King at it again! Making fun of Mcdonald's famous mascot Ronald and offering a free Whopper burger to the first 500 people to visit select Burger King stores dressed as a clown. 

  4. 4 Snickers: Halloween Grocery Store Lady (2010)

    Snickers created a Halloween sensation with their terrifyingly creepy “Grocery Store Lady.” I don(t know about you but I would put Snickers in my cart just to reduce my risk of seeing this nightmare-inducing woman (and her sneaky child minion).

  5. 5 Airbnb: Halloween In Dracula's Castle (2016)

    It is in Transylvania, nestled in the misty forests of the Carpathians, where the dark castle of Dracula is hidden. Will you have the courage to push its doors to penetrate the heart of the most terrifying tale of the 19th century and sleep in velvet-lined coffins?

  6. 6 McDonald's: Trick or Cheese?

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    Finally, here’s the latest campaign from McDonald's Finland. Look at the brochure below, is it scary enough? 🎃😂

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Ghita Salouane

A marketing and finance student at Al Akhawayn University in Ifrane (Morocco). Passionate about marketing and believes that everything you can imagine is real.

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