8 Discontinued Apple Products That You May Not Remember

1 min

Hey guys! We all know that Apple has so many successful products, but all of them were not that quite successful. Some of them were popular in their times, but they did not go on. Today, we are here to share some of the Apple products that discontinue any more. Let’s get started! 🙂

  1. 1 The Apple III - 1980

    The Apple III is a business-oriented personal computer produced and released by Apple.

  2. 2 The Lisa - 1983

    It was one of the first personal computers to offer a graphical user interface in a machine aimed at individual business users.

  3. 3 The Apple Collection - 1986

    Back in 1986, Apple released a clothing line it called  "The Apple Collection"

  4. 4 The Macintosh Portable - 1989

    The Portable often was referred to as the "luggable" because it weighed nearly 16 pounds, but nevertheless, it still was a significant advance toward truly portable "laptop" or "notebook" computers.

  5. 5 The Newton MessagePad - 1993

    Manufactured by Sharp, it's one of the first-ever really useful Personal Digital Assistants (PDA).

  6. 6 The QuickTake - 1994

    Apple's QuickTake was one of the first consumer digital cameras and it was a failure.

  7. 7 The Pippin - 1995

    The Apple Bandai Pippin is a  game console, designed by Apple Computer.

  8. 8 The eMate 300 - 1997

    Twenty-one years ago(1997), Apple released its first laptop is eMate 300. It was designed as an affordable learning tool for children.

Topic: Products of Apple that you might have never seen before.

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Emine Kuzören

Former Editor and Social Media Manager of Marketing Birds. She is doing master degree in marketing at Izmir Katip Celebi University. She likes writing about guerrilla marketing and packaging design. If you would like to send your creative works to her, say hi via email or on Instagram.

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