Celebrating 60 Years Of BTCC – BMW

1 min

The British Touring Car Championship (BTCC) is one of the best-loved, most illustrious and famous motor racing championships in the world.

To celebrate 60 years of the BTCC, BMW and FCB Inferno have released a collection of five posters celebrating each decade of BMW’s involvement in the series. From the 1960s right up to the 2000s, each poster is crafted to celebrate a decade using an iconic art style from that era, and includes pop art and tech noir. The nostalgic creatives not only celebrate 60 years of Britain’s premier motorsport series, but also BMW’s passion for motorsport.

The individuals who are lucky enough to collect one of these exclusive posters from BMW’s stand at Snetterton on the 29th July will be taking home a piece of motorsport history.

  1. 1 1965

  2. 2 1973

  3. 3 1988

  4. 4 1993

  5. 5 2000

Topic: Celebrating 60 Years Of BTCC – BMW

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Pauline Khalil

She is studying Marketing & Advertising at Saint Joseph University and perusing her masters in Communication and Product Development. She's passionate about her major and loves creativity. Please don't hesitate to contact her if you would like to show your creative work, say Hello via email.

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