Who is The King of Smartphones?

1 min

Nowadays, smartphones are an indispensable source for all of us. In the beginning, people were using mobile phones for calling, texting. Then, people cared about multimedia such as photos and pictures. Step by step, people have started to use the internet. GPRS was a very innovative source for mobile phone internet system. 3G internet was a revolution for mobile phones that made them beyond mobile phones. The applications were improved, and the chatting through apps made for people free with the help of 3G internet or Wi-Fi. And now, most countries use 4G or 4.5G and smartphones are much faster. Moreover, 5G is on the way and it will change a lot of details about the mobile world according to the specialists in this field. So who became the king of smartphones?

Today, we are here to share the smartphones that are sold the most all-around world in 2020. Let’s take a look at these brands altogether. Who is the King of Smartphones?

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  1. 1 Samsung

    The South Korean brand; namely Samsung, has 20% market share globally. Thanks to their models for every budget, most people prefer having a Samsung smart phone all-around the world! 

    Units Shipped: 315 Million

    Profit: $18,947 Million

    Sales: $170,625 Million

  2. 2 Apple

    American company Apple has offered a design, simplicity, and its own features with iPhones since 2007. Thanks to their innovations, operating system and compatibility with other Apple devices, many people prefer using iPhones.

    Units Shipped: 215 Million

    Profit: $48,451 Million

    Sales: $229,234 Million

  3. 3 Huawei

    Chinese Brand, Huawei, has been one of the fast-paced developing brands in the world. After the Android issue, Huawei has created their own platforms and operating systems, which makes the operating system world add new one. They invest 14% of their revenue in R&D.

    Units Shipped: 152 Million

    Profit: $6,890 Million

    Sales: $87,646 Million

  4. 4 Oppo

    Oppo is another Chinese brand that is one of the fast-paced devoloping brands. They offer their target customers from the cheapest to the most expensive smart phones all-around the world. They use advertising & marketing campaigns diligently with the help of influencers and famous media stars.

    Units Shipped: 111 Million

    Profit: $1,400 Million

    Sales: $60,000 Million

  5. 5 Vivo

    Vivo, Chinese Brand, has been another new brand emerged in mobile world since 2017. Thanks to their marketing & advertising campaigns, they have started to compete with global brands such as Samsung, Apple and Oppo. Their global market share is 10,7%.

    Units Shipped: 95 Million

    Profit: $1,125 Million

    Sales: $46,484 Million

  6. 6 Xiaomi

    Xiaomi, another Chinese Brand, has gained its popularity with their Redmi & Mi series. Thanks to Android operating system, they’ve added new value to their smart phones and focused on the latest technology. The smart phones have been generally sold in Brazil, China, India, Singapore, and Turkey.

    Units Shipped: 95 Million

    Profit: $1,000 Million

    Sales: $17,000 Million

  7. 7 LG

    LG, another South Korean Brand, is well-known with their domestic appliance and air-conditions. Thanks to their last-longing battery, hight quality cameras, and durability, they are preferred by many users as well. 

    Units Shipped: 55 Million

    Profit: $110 Million

    Sales: $46,800 Million

  8. 8 BONUS: Who is the KING of Smart Phones?

    It has been very hard to say that "A" Brand is the KING over the last ten years. Because some of the brands were the leaders like Nokia, but we cannot see the Nokia on the list as fast-paced devoloping brand globally. However, it can be concluded that Chinese Brands gain importance day by day and they quickly improve themselves and compete with georgeous brands such as Apple and Samsung. Furthermore, 5G is about to being released all-around the world and it is estimated that this new technology will change the smart phones' brands' position again. What do you think? 🙂  

    Source: Straitresearch, date of access: 07.31.2020

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Kaan Kaval

SEO Manager of Marketing Birds. Marketing Student at Akdeniz University. Extremely motivated to share marketing campaigns, constantly develop my skills and grow professionally.

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