Tesla has a Supertruck now: Cybertruck!

1 min

Elan Musk, CEO of Tesla, has announced the company’s first pick-up in Los Angeles, California. Musk has already been planning to create a supertruck more than a decade. The new model named as “Cybertruck” is quite durable compared to the other electric models of Tesla. The prices will start at 39,900$ as Musk stated. There will be three different motor options starting from 400 km to 800 km range possibilities. The electric truck will not be released to the market until late 2021, but pre-orders are possible through Tesla’s official website.

In order to exhibit Tesla Cybertruck’s power, there was a tug of war between Cybertruck and Ford 150:

Franz von Holzhausen, Tesla’s head of design, hit the trucks’ door several times to show its durability. Cybertruck was quite successful for the first step of durability. Then, Holzhausen checked the durability of Cybertruck’s “armored” windows. It was a disappointment. The front door’s glass was shattered, and the rear door’s glass had the similar fate. These results affect the stock market value of Tesla negatively.

In terms of marketing field, Cybertruck is quite interesting and first truck model for Tesla. Thanks to its futuristic design, durability and speed, this supertruck is absolutely deserve praises. Due to simple and angular design, the meeting of the announcement was probably done according to this simplicity. However, we are sure that people would want to see on mountains, terrains or muddy roads rather than a straight road show.

BONUS NEWS: Supercar blonde, who has millions of followers and lives in Dubai, has just pre-ordered the Cybercar! Go and check it out:

Topic: Tesla Cybertruck and Supertruck

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Kaan Kaval

SEO Manager of Marketing Birds. Marketing Student at Akdeniz University. Extremely motivated to share marketing campaigns, constantly develop my skills and grow professionally.

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