Extraordinary Ad Wars that You Have to See

1 min

Hey Guys! Brands are always looking for better ways to their markets. Sometimes, the brands try to challenge others! All These ads are actually called as ad wars or brand wars. Moreover, some agencies are also publishing these kind of extraordinary brand wars as well.

Time for us to have a look 10 different extraordinary brand wars today. Furthermore, some of them are funny and creative. And all of the brands below are valuable. We absolutely respect all of the brands! Let’s get started! 😀

  1. 1 Jaguar Tries To Escape 😀

    This is an interesting brand war. Have a look the Jaguar! 😀

  2. 2 Four Buck is Dumb

    McDonalds have started to coffee service. To be part of this industry, the brand has started a war to the other coffee brands! 😀

  3. 3 Always On Top! 😀

    Burger King is one of the best ad war lovers! There are more ad wars related to food industry as well. 🙂 

  4. 4 Have Kit Kat!

    A couple of a few years ago, Samsung's rival was Nokia and the Samsung was criticized because of their durableness. 

  5. 5 Absolutely Familiar and Entirely Free!

    IKEA always offers notepad and a pen for their customers for free. This is a good campaign to announce others brands! 😀

  6. 6 Fed Up? 😀

  7. 7 IDEALISK Grater is just $3.99! 😀

  8. 8 Audi Has All of The Qualities Given Below! 😀

    Old but Gold! 😀

  9. 9 Enjoy Your Pepsi! 😀

  10. 10 Another Brand Can Also Bring Driving Pleasure 😀

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Kaan Kaval

SEO Manager of Marketing Birds. Marketing Student at Akdeniz University. Extremely motivated to share marketing campaigns, constantly develop my skills and grow professionally.

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