6 Best Inspiring Oreo Ads

1 min

Creativity and uniqueness are hard for a brand, aren’t they? Especially when the brand identifies its name with a special product… This is pure marketing. Oreo is one of those brands that can do it. When you see oreo’s biscuit, you think of one name “Oreo”. When you make a dessert, you evaluate to use of Oreo in options. If a brand cooperates with the Oreo and presents a product like ice cream, milkshake, chocolate, you want to try the new product. Well, what is the secret of this? We collected some Oreo Ads!

At the beginning of writing, we referred to creativity and uniqueness. Right now, we want to add one more thing, which is “communication”. Ads of Oreo touch to consumers’ hearts and it only uses this excellent communication. If you search Oreo ads, you will see a tendency to special days and events, relationships, emotions. Oreo shares posts on social media every day and frequently use images. Every day, this brand affects your emotions and interests. Don’t you still realize it? Well, let’s start!

Credit: GIF Maker/Giphy

  1. 1 Milk's Favorite Trick-or-Treat: Dracula Oreo wants to drink your milk.

  2. 2 Special Days and Anniversaries

    Credit: FCB

  3. 3 Nothing Else Matters: Only one dessert is desired. Of course it is Oreo.

  4. 4 Events: You still did not get Oreo Oscar or art gallery invitations? So sad...

    Credit: FCB

  5. 5 Two Halves, Whole Oreo: Most of the people love to separate two halves while they eat Oreo. Well, how are these halves' relationships then? According to these ads, it is so cute.

  6. 6 Milk's Favorite Music: Milk just wants to listen from Oreo headphones or play with Oreo. It is lovely.

  1. What do you think about these Oreo ads?

    1. Excellent
    2. It's okay.
    3. It is overdrawing.
    33 votes
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Ebru Çil

Editor of Marketing Birds website. She is doing master degree in marketing at Izmir Katip Celebi University. She graduated from Faculty of Administrative and Economics Sciences at Ege University.

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