Top 5 Apple Christmas Ads Of All Times!

Apple is very well known for its innovations, both in technology and in campaigns. We collected best Christmas commercials Apple made, that are full of good stories.1 min


We are getting closer to ending the year 2020, and as the time everyone has been waiting is approaches, we hear good and bad news about the COVID-19 pandemic every day. However, that can’t hold us from getting into the Christmas spirit! Some of us won’t be with our families, or with friends at a party, as we used to be, but distances are not obstacles to make our loved ones happy and hopeful. Brands have been heavily working on emotional marketing nowadays, besides targeted discounts and campaigns. Surely, this strategy works —it’s been a rough year and customers are more emotionally available than before. Apple continues to release movie-like commercials, in which they incorporate their identity, missions, and products into relatable stories. Apple Christmas ads.

That’s why we collected the Apple commercials, some old and some new —to show you some examples of emotional marketing and to bring you the Christmas spirit.

By clicking here, you can access Apple ads for Christmas 2019.

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Let’s begin! 🎄

  1. 1 “Misunderstood” (2013)

    This is a commercial that does justice to its name, challenging your perspective with a nice plot twist. Park Pictures and TBWA/Media Arts Lab collaborated to make this Emmy-winning ad. Apple tells you to “think different” and see what’s beyond, in this iPhone 5s ad. We see a kid busy with his iPhone, instead of his family, just to create a video of unforgettable moments. Such an emotional and successful ad!

  2. 2 “Siri Helps Santa” (2011)

    Oldies but goldies! In this one, iPhone 4s is presented as Santa shows us how he uses Siri. This very creative ad is a classic example of product placement. Santa asks questions to Siri as he does his everyday tasks, and this makes his life easier, as well as showing costumers how Siri can be used and be helpful. An amusing, old one.

  3. 3 “Sway” (2017)

    Apple’s 2017 commercial, which is a product of collaboration with TBWA, is full of theatricality and a “musical” vibe! Instead of a Christmas-themed song, we hear Sam Smith’s Palace, which is an interesting detail. We see an iPhone X for a brief moment, and then the woman puts her AirPods on in the moonlight, dancing out as the leading role of her life. Then she runs into a man, shares the music, and they live out the rest of the night freely. A commercial with some coincidental and romantic story —be your true self, and dance freely..

  4. 4 “The Song” (2014)

    We watch here the story of little girl preparing “the perfect gift” for her grandmother, by using Apple devices in a form of a short-movie. After recording her grandma’s old record on her iPhone, using the technology Apple provides, she duets with her, and gives that record to her grandma as a present. So, this one also is a very creative and emotional ad.

  5. 5 “Under The Covers” (2010)

    This one may seem pretty basic today, because the technologies of video calls, internet and smart phones boosted in the last 10 years. For the time it was released, this cute ad was gold. A father dressing up as Santa Claus to cheer up his son, using the time being’s technology iPhone 4, made a warm and creative commercial.

BONUS: HomePod Mini

For those of you who haven’t seen Apple’s 2020 commercial yet, here we drop it.

Happy New Year!🎅🏼🎄

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Birsen Kargın

Graduated in Business Administration and Management from Ege University. Greatly interested in creative advertisement and green marketing. Aspires to make a positive difference in the world, working on projects that positively impact people's lives and create change.

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