What is Cyber Security?

1 min

Have you ever heard about cyber security? Here, you can find 8 important (and basic) facts about what cyber security is 🤓

  1. 1 Short Definition🤓


    Cyber security is the state or process of protecting and recovering networks, devices, and programs from any type of cyber attack. (Source: Norton)

    Or it can be either a cat attack😛

  2. 2 Dangerous ❌


    Cyber attacks can be a danger to organizations, employees, and consumers. They can be created for access or destroy sensitive data or steal money. 

    (Source: BlackRock Professional Consult)

  3. 3 6 Categories of Cybersecurity


    According to Kaspersky, there are 6 contexts of cybersecurity:

    1. Network security 

    2. Application Security

    3. Information Security

    4. Operational Security

    5. Disaster recovery and business continuity

    6. End-user education

    (Source:  Kaspersky)

  4. 4 Cyber Threat


    Threats can be come in three ways:

    1. Cybercrime, for financial gain or to cause disruption.

    2. Cyber attack, for politically motivated information gathering.

    3. Cyberterror is to undermine electronic systems to cause panic or fear.

  5. 5 Steps for Protection✅


    1. Only use trusted sites when providing your personal information.

    2. Don’t open email attachments or click links in emails from unknown sources.

    3. Always keep your devices updated. 

    4. Back up your files regularly to prevent cyber security attacks.

    (Source: Norton)

  6. 6 Bonus: Great Page about Cybersecurity👇


  7. 7 BlackRock Professional Consult Offers Virus Removal


    They offer professional on-site repairs on both Desktop and Laptop computers.

    Click Here to Discover Other Services

  8. 8 BlackRock Professional Consult Offers Data Recovery


    They will inspect your computer and give it a thorough diagnostic (which means they will explain to you the situation) to give you an accurate FREE estimate.

    Click Here to Discover Other Services

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Ezgi Erentürk

Former Social Media Manager of Marketing Birds. Now, living in Germany and doing masters in International Business. Love marketing to reach people via innovative communication tools. Don't hesitate to contact with her!✌️

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