Wildlife Day: 7 Creative Ads For Wildlife Animals

We became even more closer to our pets in these days we’re spending at home —they are our family! What about the other animals whose rights are in danger? 1 min

Hola animal lovers!

As The World Wildlife Day approaches, we gathered ads that will make you question the products and product-making procedures and think about the consequences. Let’s begin! Creative Ads For Wildlife Animals. Don’t forget to follow Marketing Birds to avoid missing similar shares. IG: @marketingbirds

  1. 1 “Animals Are Not Clowns”

    In a print ad made by Advertising Agency Partners Lisboa, we see wild animals in the cage, turned into sad clowns. They shouldn’t be trained to entertain people in the circus, as they are not clowns.

  2. 2 “Horrifying vs More Horrifying”

    Here we see WWF with an utterly creative and basic campaign. They define a photo of wild animals as “horrifying”, while another one depicting a near future in which those animals are dying as “more horrifying”. Nature is beautiful with them. Advertising agency: DDB.

  3. 3 “Any Job Is Better Than Being A Tourist Attraction”

    As the title gives it away, we see animals that are working in different sectors, since any job is better than being a tourist attraction. This creative ad is made by Aimaq von Lobenstein for Prowildlife.

  4. 4 “Stop The Wildlife Trade”

    Advertising agency Springer & Jacoby Werbung created a print ad for IFAW, with barcoded wild animals caged in their natural habitats to show that the exotic and wild animals are not commercial products. It’s ironic and impressive.

  5. 5 “Evolution”

    Here we see the ending of animal evolution with humankind. Elephants are diminishing, leaving as a “tooth” as “decor”, and the tiger gets to be “worn” as a “coat”. A discomforting and frightening ad made by Ogilvy Advertising Agency for WWF.

  6. 6 “White Is The New Green”

    Greenpeace creates an original and beneficial ad, working with Ogilvy Advertising Agency. Painting the roofs of buildings white, the environment can be cooled down a bit. A very creative idea.

  7. 7 “Help Us Fight The Effects Of Cosmetic Testing”

    Leo Burnett created this one for the Society for the Protection of Animals. It’s uneasy, pushing you to your limits, but that’s the deal: increasing the awareness, stopping animal testings for cosmetic products, and changing the buying behavior of consumers for the better. This makes a successful work.

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Birsen Kargın

Graduated in Business Administration and Management from Ege University. Greatly interested in creative advertisement and green marketing. Aspires to make a positive difference in the world, working on projects that positively impact people's lives and create change.

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