18 Cool & Smart Pizza Box Designs

1 min

A pizza slice is shaped like a heart for a reason. There’s no better feeling in the world than a warm pizza box on your lap, right? Do you know what would be even better? A quirky pizza box designs.

Presenting to you 21 cool and smart pizza box designs that would make you fall in love with pizza even more: Don’t forget to follow Marketing Birds to avoid missing out on shares like this. IG: @marketingbirds

  1. 1 Totino's Pizza Rolls

    Totino's pizza rolls' current packaging box, designed by Shelby Biermann, is enough to grab anyone's attention. The package was designed with the idea to appeal to young adults with a more on-the-go lifestyle; college students and young professionals who want a quick and inexpensive snack. The package is easily stackable for shipping, freezer storage, and can conveniently fit in the lunchbox and be prepared in a microwave. Could this get any better?

  2. 2 Round The Clock Pizza Box

    No time is not pizza time. Am I right or am I right? This box is designed by Man Wai Wong.

  3. 3 Ouija Board Pizza Box

    Have a look at this spooky pizza box by Floshe Creative.

  4. 4 Vesuvio Pizzeria

    This take-out-packaging design is just so so so difficult to resist. All one needs to do is hold it and boom, everything's in there!

  5. 5 Smokin' Oak Wood-Fired Pizza

    One just can't ignore the details all over the box and statements like "will this make me woke?". Isn't this box way too cool?

  6. 6 Pizza Shigaraki

    This design made by Masahiro Minami Design has a window frame made in the shape of a rice seed on the outer side. 

    "Only on the inner side, we made a simple color printing to reduce the costs, so that by turning the package from side to side the beautiful green is seen in the outer white color. The missing part which matches the upper right part of the rice can be caught when the package is turning. Also, the emblem dog of our shop is hiding inside. Every single element of this design is useful and it has wit." - Pizza Shigaraki on Packaging of the World

  7. 7 Tina Touli Design

    This design is for the US-based pizza chain, &pizza.

    "The packaging has been inspired by the Christmas candy canes depicted in an abstract engaging way." - tina touli for and pizza, Christmas edition

  8. 8 Holy Napoli

    The box's minimalistic design is just so captivating.

  9. 9 Mafia Style Packaging

    Isn't this quite a bewitching box for a delightful pizza inside?

  10. 10 Donatello Comic Pizza Box

    Look at these cute comic pizza boxes.

  11. 11 Pizza Shout

    This packaging design is created by Marcus Vinícius Goulart Matos.

  12. 12 Middle Split Box

    This packaging is created by Joe Leadbeater. Here we have yet another different way of opening the box to have that delicious pizza.

  13. 13 Toss - Gourmet Pizza By The Slice

    This packaging design is created by Yinan Wang.

  14. 14 V DTLA Pizza

  15. 15 Qizini Pizza

    This packaging is created by Brand New. Get a sneak peak of your pizza before having the taste of it.

  16. 16 Tomatomatic

    Non-traditional pizza in a non-traditional box. 

  17. 17 L'Artigiano

    Have a look at this box with sections having different toppings inside of it. Pick whichever you like.

  18. 18 Pizza Hut

    Yes, you read it right. A pizza box that turns into a projector. Could there be anything cooler than this?

    Credit: Pinthemall

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Pooja Aggarwal

Having a keen interest in creative writing, Pooja Aggarwal is currently pursuing her UG from University of Delhi.

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