Brilliant Sensory Ideas: Spotify And Cafe De Colombia

1 min

Music makes us feel good.

Music affects our shopping mood.

Music keeps us paying attention to advertisements.

Spotify and Cafe De Colombia

These are the benefits of music. Well, why don’t brands use this? Did not you notice? Most brands already take advantage of this. Recently, we saw 2 good examples from famous brands. Here they are Spotify And Cafe de Colombia.  Don’t forget to follow Marketing Birds to avoid missing similar shares. IG:

  1. 1 Now You Can Listen Music Based On Your Emotions

    Spotify suggests music based on your feelings. How does it do this? You imagine A technology has analyzed your voice and suggest kinds of music based on your mood. Did you imagine? Now, this imagination turns into reality. And Spotify patented this technology. Actually, Spotify applied for this patent in 2018. But it was gone through this year. What other features does Spotify determine these kinds of music with? The answer is: age, gender, accent are integrated into your voice tone. According to this result, Spotify will decide your feeling "sad, happy, angry, or neutral". In addition to this, Spotify analyzes background rhythm and voices. It will choose the music according to your environment. Such a great idea.

  2. 2 Taste Of Coffee Music From Cafe De Colombia

    Cafe De Colombia cooperated with McCann Worldgroup Colombia. They created the taste of coffee music, and want to experience "Sensory Experience". They increased the effects with the campaign "#BeyondTaste". How did they succeed to create the taste of coffee music? This question is the answer: Felipe Reinoso that is an expert on multisensory experiences, combined Colombia music, and natural sounds. Also, you can find the message on Youtube and Spotify: "Now you can taste the best coffee in the world with your ears”.

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Ebru Çil

Editor of Marketing Birds website. She is doing master degree in marketing at Izmir Katip Celebi University. She graduated from Faculty of Administrative and Economics Sciences at Ege University.

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