Break The Gender Norms With Dolce & Gabbana

1 min

Gender norms are social norms referred to distinguish between different genders. It is a way to impose local or orthodox beliefs and restrict the freedom of expression. One such gender norm is that only women apply make-up and they are supposed to do so which has created this hysteria around men putting makeup on. Dolce & Gabbana.

Dolce & Gabbana is doing its part in making this personal choice more accessible and acceptable by promoting the idea of men wearing makeup. They are not just helping the men grooming business to grow but also helping in the normalization of men wearing makeup if they want to. Don’t forget to follow Marketing Birds to avoid missing out on shares like this. IG: marketingbirds

As can be seen from the above-mentioned tweet, a man is wearing lipstick, eyeshadow, and nail lacquer. This is a great way of promoting the products since this way the company is able to appeal to a larger section of the society and also establish themselves as someone who stands against gender norms and gender roles.

In this tweet, a Black man wearing makeup is shown. This, again, helps in breaking so many stereotypes. Not just is it helping in the normalization of men wearing makeup but is also promoting inclusivity.

This way, the brand can establish its image as someone who genuinely cares about the societal issues and is doing their best to break the taboos. Although this, when compared with G&B's previous record, can be seen as pretty ironic since the brand has been in news very often for using "shock value" to sell its products.

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Pooja Aggarwal

Having a keen interest in creative writing, Pooja Aggarwal is currently pursuing her UG from University of Delhi.

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