6 Ads in Honor of World Refugee Day

1 min

The 20th of June marks World Refugee Day. But what is a refugee anyway? Today, we are here to share some ads in Honor of World Refugee Day.

The UN (United Nations) describes a refugee as someone who has been forced to flee his or her country because of persecution, war, or violence. But these ads shows us that being a refugee takes so much more than just a war. Being a refugee takes gut to leave your country, takes patience to learn a new language, faith that people in the foreign field your heading to are tolerant and hope that one day you’ll make it back to your land.

  1. 1 It's great being a refugee right?

    Instead of worrying about cleaning and doing the laundry a refugee's only worry is shelter and food.

  2. 2 Normal Problems

    Refugees don't want to worry about a safe heaven. They wanna worry about normal problems, for example laundry mishaps. 

  3. 3 Run to Live

    Refugees are guaranteed to win, when the finish line guarantees their livelihood.

  4. 4 Be a Lifeline to Those in Need

    This is a better take on the classical give a hand slogan. Instead, they show you the lifeline that's in your hand meaning that one should always give a hand. Via Humanity & Inclusion.

  5. 5 Give them a Chance

    Refugees may seem like an economical burden but when given a chance they might just save you from an economic crisis. 

  6. 6 Being a Refugee Takes Courage

    Running away from your country seems like a logical choice when there is a war but it's not so easy. Leaving everything you ever knew is gut wrenching but refugees still do it because they are that strong. 

Topic: Ads in Honor of World Refugee Day

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Fatima Awada

A marketing student at the Lebanese American University. Believes life is a creative process and is also an aspiring creative director. Future content creator maven. For features/inquires: [email protected]

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