6 Awesome Honey Jar Designs 🍯💛

1 min

Hello everyone, it’s me again! Bees were the keyring in the ecosystem, and without bees, the world would be destroyed. Bees are perfectly adapted to pollinate, helping plants grow, breed, and produce food. They do so by transferring pollen between flowering plants and so keep the cycle of life turning. Einstein’s words, ‘If bees disappear from the Earth only 4 years of life will remain, without bees fertilization, plant, animal and human’ we understood that bees, 130 thousand different species of plants not only provide reproduction but also meet the very important requirements of human beings. Honey made by bees is sold by many brands today. So what criteria do you take honey according to? Are you interested in different and creative honey jars? If the answer is yes, choose the jar you like most on this list! Honey jar designs. I have to say before this post was shared, Winnie the Pooh was approved.

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  1. 1 Abeeja 🐝🍯

    It's really creative to put honey in a standard jar and label it like a bee's wing. How many points do you give this design?

  2. 2 Virginia Brand Honey 🐝🍯

    As you know, bears love honey. Could Winnie the Pooh be the founder of the Virginia brand Honey brand? That's exactly what we can tell from the packaging!

  3. 3 Little Bees 🐝🍯

    As we collected from the hive, it was an advertisement that gave the image we offer to our consumers! Great packaging, we can be sure it's absolutely fresh!

  4. 4 Honey 🐝🍯

    A hexagon is a geometric shape in which the least amount of material is used to hold the most weight. Bees therefore make honeycombs as hexagons and as you can see, the honey packaging made by this brand is hexagonal! Can we say it represents freshness and naturalness?

  5. 5 Beewicks'd Honey 🐝🍯

    Again, we are presented with a creative package that looks a little like the others. This brand had their jars designed as hexagons and put them on the market in this way. A really different and creative idea!

  6. 6 Beehive 🐝🍯

    This is my favorite and most creative package! When you buy, you'll think you've got a hive and that's the most natural. An incredible marketing tactic, until the best, comes Bzzz Honey!

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Sinem Basman

She is studying Department of Business Administration at Izmir Katip Celebi University. She works as a social media consultant at Graphia Design. She is also a volunteer social media consultant to The Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences of Izmir Katip Celebi University. She likes writing about creative ads, packaging design and guerrilla marketing. If you want to contact her for creative content, ideas and other business matters, you can say hi via e-mail or Instagram.

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