6 Creative Stay Home Ads from Conscious Brands!

“Stay home, stay safe” ads are all around, and surely we should do the right thing and take care of ourselves. That’s why we collected these #stayhome ads for you. 1 min

Hola, quarantine folks!

Creative stay home ads. With the COVID-19 pandemic taking over the media, we started seeing awareness ads pretty frequently -like, #stayhome. Some brands know that this pandemic will fade away only if everyone listens and isolate themselves, so they support this idea with their creative ads. On this ground, we tried to retrieve you such correct and creative advertising instances.

You can access other “Creative Stay Home Ads” by clicking here.

You can click here to see other content we share about Covid-19.

Let’s begin!

  1. 1 JEEP

    Watching the world behind our Jeep’s hood.. just to see our home -the place we should be at! They come up with a creative way of saying #stayhome too: OFFROAD, IN HOUSE! For them, the best view for these days is the garage of our home, where we #staysafe, so that we can drive healthily again.

    Created by MOOD

  2. 2 MARVEL

    They have taken the world by storm with Avengers, and now they need you as heroes! Yeah, you get it right, YOU, the quarantine folks! You don’t need to be Captain America and fight with the aliens. What the world needs is conscious people —people that #stayhome and #staysafe, they show us, via this creative ad.

  3. 3 IKEA

    IKEA comes up with a really creative ad, in which we see the construction manual. If you are an IKEA customer, you might be familiar with those manuals with such font and style. They tell you what’s right to do with their products, and now they are telling you what’s right to do in these pandemic days. Stay at home, lock the door with the appropriate key, and keep it closed.

    #stayhome #staysafe

  4. 4 NIKE

    Nike closed all of its stores in the U.S.A., Canada, and many other countries. They figured there is no meaning in campaigning ads like “Spring Looks”, instead, the campaign in resonance with their customers, emphasizing and sympathizing with them. So they ask you, whether you ever wanted to play for the millions in the world. Because, here is your chance! Play sports at home, so you’ll protect millions all over the world! That’s a minimally designed, impressive ad with a creatively articulated message. Meaning is strong and simple: #stayhome, #staysafe.

  5. 5 MC DONALD'S

    McDonald’s is here again with a creative and nice ad. The brand constructed a “home” with their iconic fries, as a tool to encourage us not to go out. Their smoking hot fries and the exquisite service are still there, but during this pandemic crisis, they do theirs bit and tell us we need to #stayhome. Don’t worry, McDonald’s is still with you in the comfort of your home! (Btw, this one is not designed by the brand itself, but a designer on Instagram)

    Created by Marketing Bhai

  6. 6 NETFLIX

    Netflix is one of those brands that actively engage with the crisis with their ads and posts on social media. In many of their print ads too, they spoiled their favorite series and tv shows, to keep us home. Here in this ad, incorporating the #stayhome message into the gist of their most trendy shows, they really want you to #staysafe. The brand even used the same font of the corresponding series and films -the fonts that everyone is familiar with! We are not alone as long as we have Netflix to binge watch in quarantine..!

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Birsen Kargın

Graduated in Business Administration and Management from Ege University. Greatly interested in creative advertisement and green marketing. Aspires to make a positive difference in the world, working on projects that positively impact people's lives and create change.

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