6 Great Tv Series About Marketing And Entrepreneurship #stayhome

1 min


This hashtag becomes our life's motto. We have free time too much. How do we use this free time? Of course, you have books, movies, tv-series or your hobbies. So, we think why didn't we combine marketing and free time activities? So, we collect tv series about marketing and entrepreneurship for you.  Here is Tv series about marketing and entrepreneurship!

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  1. 1 Mad Men

    Mad Men is a drama tv series that focus on advertising's world New York in 1960. In this tv series, an agency is placed on with a talented and executive team. Competitive between workers, ego-warsluxurious life... Not only the ad world, the tv series include that time's economy and business life. 

    IMBD: 8.6/10

    7 season 92 episode

  2. 2 The Crazy Ones

    The Crazy Ones that is a comedy, is a story of a genius ad man. Simon Roberts (Robin Williams) has an ad agency and works with important brands and customers. This man is an unpredictable, extraordinary character in contrast to Sydney that is Simon's daughter, opposite character and they work together. The Crazy Ones has an energic theme with different characters.

    IMBD: 7.1/10

    1 season 22 episode

    Credit: IMBD

  3. 3 Girlboss

    The Girlboss is a comedy, that is adapted from -true story- Girl Boss' book. Sophia is an ambitious, rebel and poor. Sophia starts a business over the internet. But this business is not easy. She learns to be a businesswoman...

    IMBD: 7.0/10

    1 season 13 episode

  4. 4 Silicon Valley

    Silicon Valley tv series that is black humor in the 1980s, is the success path story. Asocial Robert and his 5 friends start a new company.  

    IMBD: 8.5/10

    6 season 53 episode

  5. 5 Younger

    Younger is a comedy tv series. The main character is Liza (Sutton Foster) who is a 40-year-old, divorced and housewife. She gives up an editor career for her daughter. She wants to come back career but she lags behind to business life and is not hired due to her age. A guy (20s) thinks no age difference between him and Liza. And then Liza decides to start a new life and turn 26-year-old.

    IMBD: 7.8/10

    6 season 72 episode

  6. 6 Two Broke Girls

    Two Broke Girls is a comedy. Max and Caroline are opposite characters. Max is whip-smart, nonassertive, streetwise and makes delicious cupcakes. Caroline is old-billionaire, assertive, know about the business. Two girls work at Williamsburg Diner. At the same time, they try to start a new business.

    IMBD: 6.7/10

    6 season 136 episode

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Ebru Çil

Editor of Marketing Birds website. She is doing master degree in marketing at Izmir Katip Celebi University. She graduated from Faculty of Administrative and Economics Sciences at Ege University.

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