8 Crazy Lay’s Flavors You Haven’t Tasted Before

1 min

Hi Potato Chips Lovers, Chips brands release interesting tastes. Sometimes brands put such flavors on the market that we are between eating or not eating. Some people prefer salty, while some people prefer bitter, plain, or more different tastes. Lays, on the other hand, attracts attention with its great variety. How often do you guys consume chips? One day a week? More? In this exchange, we will examine 8 varieties of the most famous brand of the chips sector together. This brand, which most people love to eat chips, has quite delicious tastes! Like Lay's Flavors… We chose the most interesting flavors for you. Pick your favorite ones. 8 Crazy Lay's Flavors!

You can access another Lays Flavors share by clicking here.

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Credit: The Good Place/Giphy

  1. Choose Your Taste 🙂 Which One Do You Prefer?

    1. Chicken & Waffles
    2. Cappuccino
    20 votes
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  2. Which One Do You Prefer?

    1. Cinnamon Bun
    2. Southern Biscuits & Gravy
    19 votes
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  3. Which One Do You Prefer?

    1. Lamb & Mint
    2. Wasabi Ginger
    18 votes
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  4. Which One Do You Prefer?

    1. Avocado Toast
    2. Everything Bagel With Cream Cheese
    17 votes
    Share Your Result

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Ebru Çil

Editor of Marketing Birds website. She is doing master degree in marketing at Izmir Katip Celebi University. She graduated from Faculty of Administrative and Economics Sciences at Ege University.

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