9 Inspiring Bubble Gum Ads

1 min

People buy something every day. Before they buy, people make an effort for their purchase decisions. Is it functional or useful? Is it necessary for spending my money? But why do not we think this while buying a bubble gum?

Let’s think about bubble gum. It is simple, save the day, easy, etc. Maybe we forget bubble gum’s value but some bubble gum ads remind themselves with their brands. Right now, we are happy to share these creative, inspiring bubble gum ads. Let’s dive in! 🙂

  1. 1 Huge Bang!!!

    Big Babol ads are simple, effective and remarkable. Big Babol emphasized that people can blow up gum to their heart's content. Of course, this has a boundary in reality, but this boundary is huge.

  2. 2 Breath Falls Short

    Other attention-grabbing advertisements. If a gum can swell till an enormous balloon, is your breath enough? After some time, we will be short of breath. Big Babol pushes the limits. The gum shows us, Big Babol is durable and an inflatable gum difficultly.

  3. 3 It Is So Sour?

    This ad focuses on the extraordinary face, everything else is simply like a simple white t-shirt, simple hairstyle. Gum content is emphasized on sour. This ad shows a sour face's endpoint.  

  4. 4 Gum Airbag

    Who does want a gum airbag? It also is useful in every part of life.  In reality, unfortunately, we do not have this gum airbag but Bazooka asserts to reach durable and huge bubble gum comedically.

  5. 5 Only Chew The Gum!

    Each child or adult chew a pen or an earpiece unawares. Chupa Chups noticed this common situation. This good observation provides to direct to Chupa Chups.

  6. 6 Ice Is Coming...

    If you want to explain fresh, cold sensitivity, the best way uses cold visuals like snow, ice. The white and blue tones are suitable for this theme. 

  7. 7 Gum Horror Story Is Started...

    A gum can be how frightening. Right place, right light, great creative... Scary, remarkable, inspired gum ads is ready.  

  8. 8 Gum Always Stands By Us

    Big Babol wanted to draw attention to durable and extensibility. Big Babol again pushes the boundary. 

  9. 9 No Mask! No Bad Smell!

    Do not hide from everyone for bad breath. You chew Trident who are saved your mask. This guy can not free his mask. He is serious, isn't he? Maybe he can be like a serial killer but he is uncomfortable about his breath. Please, little understanding...  🙂

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Ebru Çil

Editor of Marketing Birds website. She is doing master degree in marketing at Izmir Katip Celebi University. She graduated from Faculty of Administrative and Economics Sciences at Ege University.

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