Reverse logos: There’s Something Wrong!

1 min

If a brand’s logo is good, customers will easily recognize it, associate with the brand, and trust it. All major companies know the importance of having a good logo as it’s the face of the brand, the most publicly recognizable branding a brand can have.

  1. 1 Ahmed Morshedi is an art director who makes interesting personal projects

    He decided to mess a bit with our trust for certain famous brands by looking at them differently than most of us are used to.

  2. 2 Nothing is lost, everything is transformed !

    He redesigned the logos of well-known companies, printed them out and repackaged them in a way that confuses your mind and makes you think twice.

  3. 3 He says "This is the ideal concept to confuse your brain, and in a good way! "

    Coca Cola tea idea looks fantastic  😁

  4. 4 This approach makes us consider whether some brands are too ingrained in our consciousness.

    Do we still see them or are some in danger of becoming background noise?

  5. 5 Morshesdi's work certainly emphasises the impact of a brand refresh

    And the importance of thinking outside of the limitations of a brand image.

  6. 6 These designs really made us think twice! 👏

    Pepsi looks cool on the chips' package 😎

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Sena Karaduman

She studied International Trade and Marketing at Izmir Katip Celebi University.She likes writing about marketing and innovation. If you would like to send your creative works to her, say hi via email or on Instagram.

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