Brand Logos, Have Been Redesigned Because of Coronavirus

1 min

Brand logos have been redesigned because of coronavirus. Coronavirus is the only issue on the agenda of the world recently.
There are three basic things the world has said. The first is to maintain our social distance. The second is washing our hands frequently. The third is to stay in our house and protect ourselves from the outside. If we follow these basic rules, we are less likely to get sick.  For the people we love, we have to take a break from everything for a while.

Brand logos have been redesigned because of coronavirus. Brands or advertising agencies deliver very creative social messages in this process. We see many examples every day. We have collected a few examples for you.

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Brand Logos

Let's start with brand logos first. Many advertising agencies or designers change the logos of the brands. For example, they write the name of the brand with a space between the letters or wear masks on the mascots of the brands. This example is a little different. Designed by the Portuguese advertising agency Klüg. He deleted the mascots in the logos of the brands. He sent them home. So Klüg wanted to give us a stay home message.  

Movie Posters

The second example was designed by the Epik Isler Advertising Agency. In its design, it used films that were watched and loved. These films are; Forrest Gump, Life of Pi, Titanic and Harry Potter. The message in this design is the same as in the previous example. It was a creative design that tells us to stay at home.

Album Covers

In the last example, the message to be given is slightly different from the other two examples. Designed by the advertising agency Activista. They redesigned the iconic album covers of music groups such as The Beatles, Queen, Blondie and The Clash with a social distance understanding against the coronavirus.

  1. Choose Your Side 🙂 Which Agency's Design Do You Like?

    1. Klüg Agency
    2. Epik Isler Advertising Agency
    3. Activista Agency
    17 votes
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Yaren Dura

She is studying business at Izmir Katip Celebi University. She likes writing about creative ads, packaging design and guerrilla marketing. If you would like to send your creative works to her, say hi via email or on Instagram.

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