Coca-Cola Australia Starts Using 100% Recycled Plastic Bottles

1 min

News: Recycled Plastic Bottles

Coca-Cola has released a new ad in Australia. According to this advertisement, Coca-Cola aims to use 100% recycled bottles.

Coca-Cola Australia promised that 7 out of 10 bottles of Coca-Cola Australia would be 100% recycled plastic bottles by the end of 2019. Cristine Black said “We are the largest drink company in Australia, and we have a responsibility to help solve the packaging problem”. Such brands as Fanta, Sprite, Fuse Tea, Mount Franklin owned by Coca-Cola will use 100% recycled bottles as well.

Coca-Cola 100% recycled bottles Advertisement: I can become another bottle when you recycle me. Thanks! 😊

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Kaan Kaval

SEO Manager of Marketing Birds. Marketing Student at Akdeniz University. Extremely motivated to share marketing campaigns, constantly develop my skills and grow professionally.

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