The Most Unnecessary Shoe Designs You Will Ever See

1 min

Topic: Unnecessary Shoe Designs

Shoes are important to us, especially the ones we just buy. 😋😋 We usually consider the design of the shoes we are going to wear. So companies try to design great shoes. However, there are some interesting and unnecessary shoe designs which we really don’t know why they were designed!

Look at the 7 most interesting shoe designs we collected for you. 👇

  1. 7 Police Stiletto

  2. 6 Dinosaur Heels

  3. 5 Slide Shoes

  4. 4 Banana Shoes

  5. 3 High Tide Heels

  6. 2 IKEA Bag Shoes

  7. 1 Adidas Pizza Shoes

    Which one is your favorite? 😂😂😂

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