4 Creative Friendship Day Ads

1 min

Hello to every one,
It is very important to handle special days in the marketing world. Many campaigns can be organized using these special days. Brands see these days as an opportunity and publish advertisements to connect with their customers. We all know the place of friendship in our lives. Since they know the importance of friendship in brands, they organize ads or campaigns special for International Friendship Day. They prefer to catch their customers in the heart. In this article, we have organized creative advertisements about friendship for you.

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  1. 1 The Coca-Cola Friendship Machine

    This vending machine is 3.5 meters tall. So you interact directly with your friends to take advantage of the 'the 2 for 1 Coke offer 'campaign. With friendship as the must to make it possible.

  2. 2 College Canteen + No Network = #RealFlavoursOfLife

    This ad reminds us again of what is friendship. We've been spending a lot of time on the internet lately. When we meet our friends, we are interested in social media instead of dealing with them. In this ad, he addressed this problem. The internet connection suddenly stopped and people were annoyed by this situation. People reacted very much to this situation. Then they quickly got used to this situation. People communicated with each other. When it came to the internet connection, they did not care.

  3. 3 Cadbury Dairy Milk

    In this advertisement, the girl is getting ready to go on stage. She shares a photo of himself in her social media. It gets many sad comments. Her confidence is lost because of these sad comments. Her girlfriend supports her and makes a good comment. (💜)  By taking good comments from other friends, she gets to the stage with confidence. We must support our friends under all conditions.

  4. 4 Skybags

    In this advertisement, the person who wants to take the lecture notes begs his friend. After insisting for a while, the girl agrees to give the lecture note to her. 'Celebrate this Friendship Day with that one friend who's never willing to give up, even if the odds are against them.'

    Happy Friendship Day 💞

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Yaren Dura

She is studying business at Izmir Katip Celebi University. She likes writing about creative ads, packaging design and guerrilla marketing. If you would like to send your creative works to her, say hi via email or on Instagram.

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